Welcome To The Tain District General Opd Official Page

Welcome to Tain District Hospital’s OPD. Here, our dedicated and trained Healthcare Personnel will help set you on the path to your recovery and optimal wellbeing.

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Welcome to the Out-Patient Department, where you take your first step towards recovery. Deeply committed to treating our patients with dignity and respect, our goal is to work together with you to ensure your total wellbeing.



The Tain District Hospital’s OPD shall position itself to remain committed to delivering high quality and personalized healthcare services to people of all ages through our core principles of hard work, teamwork, dedication and customer care services


The vision of The Out-Patient Department is to reduce In-Patient burden and to help catapult Tain District Hospital to become a recognized Health to provider in Tain District and beyond through comprehensive quality care


The outpatient department is the first point of contact for the majority of patients entering the hospital and provides patients with their first impression as they seek services at the hospital. A patient’s history and vital signs are obtained and documented. The staff include Specialist Doctors, Medical Officers, Nurses Physician Assistants, Other Specialists and Cleaners. The services provided include triaging, general medical, specialist consultations, health education, and wound dressings.